Jeff Davis County in the Far West Texas desert conjures idyllic images of the remote, wild Davis Mountains, “sky island” terrain, and of the deep starry skies studied at the McDonald Observatory.
But many Jeff Davis County residents experience hunger, isolation, health issues, and depression. 2020’s daunting challenges --a vicious pandemic and crash in oil prices --have doubled down on widespread economic hardship. Spotty cell service and lack of widespread, reliable broadband internet access have deepened the divide. It’s a county with an average of one person per square mile and roundtrip distances of up to 500 miles to reach even some basic services. Add to all of that a culture that prides itself on not asking for help, you have a human scenario that stands in stark contrast to the area’s natural beauty.
Recognizing the lack of social services in the region, Mobile Comunidad is aimed at lifting people up with an innovative “stacked” solution to these devastating problems, meeting their needs where they are.
This successful endeavor includes a van, offering a mobile solution that brings the food pantry, bookmobile, wifi, and access to other services to isolated residents who need them the most.

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